An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure!

Please accurately complete all required fields on the form below.

By filling out the information below, I am attesting that, I have completed 26 hours of ONLINE CORE training provided by MARLENE HUNTER, ALF CONSULTANT, INC.

26 hour course form

26-Hour Core Training Attestation

Please accurately complete all required fields on the form below.

By filling out the information below, I am attesting that, I have completed 26 hours of ONLINE CORE training provided by MARLENE HUNTER, ALF CONSULTANT, INC.

IMPORTANT NOTE: After ALF Consultant, Inc has received the above information, upon completion of the CORE training we will send you a certificate of completion to the above email address provided and report completion to TMRI and CE Broker where applicable.

Online Training Evaluation

Please evaluate our 26 Hour Core Training
Select 1 - 7 to rate your answer.
1-3 = Low
4-6 = Average
7 = High


